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- P A I N T C O M P A N I O N
- featuring
- BASIC 8 Art Shop - by Richard Heckert
- and DC Convert - by Rick Ferreira and Bill Foster
- These are two separate modules written in BASIC 8 that will allow you
- to use popular format graphics with PAINT 128 (published on LOADSTAR 128
- #8). BASIC 8 is the fantastic graphics extension written by David Darus and
- Lou Wallace for WALRUS Software, Inc. Art Shop allows you to convert Print
- Shop (tm) images of either size, as well as PrintMaster (tm) images, into
- brush files (which will start with the "brus." prefix). DC Convert, on the
- other hand, allows you to convert 40-column DOODLE! (tm) format pictures, as
- well as ComputerEyes (tm) digitized pictures, into the picture format used
- by PAINT 128.
- You do not need to have BASIC 8 to use PAINT 128 or PAINT COMPANION.
- The runtime library file is on the disk that allows you to use BASIC 8
- programs without the BASIC 8 editor. The PAINT COMPANION menu gives you the
- option of running either of the two modules or returning to BASIC. Each
- module, in turn, returns you to the PAINT COMPANION menu. This program
- doesn't return to LOADSTAR.
- BASIC 8 Art Shop
- ----------------
- The Main Menu is where you will set the program up. Here you will
- choose:
- 2 Print Shop 2 Block images
- 3 Print Shop 3 Block images
- 4 PrintMaster 3 Block images
- by pressing 2, 3 or 4. The rest of the menu lets you choose:
- l Load from device 8 or 9
- s Save to device 8 or 9
- q Quit to the Companion menu
- Pressing 'l' or 's' toggles the highlight bar showing your preferred
- configuration. If you want to use drive 8 to hold your Print Shop images
- and drive 9 to hold your PAINT 128 disk, press 'l' to get the 8 highlighted
- and 's' to get the 9 highlighted. When the setup is complete, press RETURN
- and the directory of the disk in the 'load' drive will be read and displayed
- in two columns. If there are more images than can be displayed on the first
- screen, press '+' to go to the next page. Pressing '-' will take you to the
- previous page.
- Your options are now listed at the top of the screen.
- LOAD - Move the cursor to the filename of the image you want to view or
- convert and press RETURN. If it is not an image, or if it isn't of the
- format you chose at the setup menu, you can expect to see garbage. No
- damage, just a lot of garbage. PrintMaster graphics end in ".gra" and BASIC
- 8 files start with "brus." A "brus." file can be loaded into any mode. You
- can return to the load directory by pressing 'l'.
- CORRECTION - After you have loaded a graphic you can 'correct' it with
- this feature. It is fairly slow, taking about a minute for a 3-block image,
- but it can really be useful when needed. What it does is expand the image
- in the horizontal direction, correcting the property that makes pixels on
- your screen elongated, rather than perfectly square. Try viewing and
- correcting the basketball image on the disk to see what this means.
- DOUBLE SIZE - This feature is also fairly slow. It makes the image twice
- as tall AND twice as wide. You may want to use a conventional prefix such
- as "d." to indicate a double-sized graphic.
- REVERSE, MIRROR, UPSIDE DOWN - These are fast and straightforward. You
- can perform these operations on either a corrected or an original image.
- SAVE - The last graphic shown will be saved to disk with this option.
- "brus." will be automatically added to the name. You do not need to enter
- ".brus". If you press 'n' you can rename the file.
- START OVER - Pressing 'x' will take you back to the setup menu.
- COLORS - Press 'f' to cycle through the foreground colors. Press 'b' to
- change the background color. When you save a brush, these colors will be
- saved also.
- AUTOLOAD - SAVE - If you have a lot of graphics to correct and save as
- brushes, press 'a' after finding the first of a series of files. Each file
- will be loaded and corrected then saved to disk while you go have a cuppa
- coffee. 2-Block files take about a minute and 3-block files take maybe two
- minutes.
- We hope you enjoy the capability of adding Print Shop and PrintMaster
- graphics to your paint program. LOADSTAR will be coming out with several
- more Print Shop Gallery disks soon, so you will have no trouble gathering a
- set of images that will greatly enhance your PAINT 128 pictures.
- DC Convert
- ----------
- If you are into computer art, or have subscribed to LOADSTAR for any
- length of time, you will have many 40-column, DOODLE! format pictures that
- can be loaded into PAINT 128 after making the conversion found in this
- module. It also works with digitized pictures created with ComputerEyes, a
- program that digitizes images viewed through a video camera.
- The program first asks you to set up your drive configuration. After
- okaying the setup you'll go to the menu. If you should want to change your
- drive setup later on, you can get back to the drive prompts by pressing
- ESCape. Other than that, and quitting back to the COMPANION menu, there's
- little else to do but choose 'd' for DOODLE! or 'c' for ComputerEyes.
- You can see the directories at any filename entry prompt. The following
- keypresses are supported:
- F1 - the first seven files on the disk will be displayed.
- F3 - leave the directory to enter a filename.
- m - display seven more filenames from the directory.
- RETURN - if no filename is specified, the load or save will be cancelled.
- You can see the original 40-column picture by pressing F7 when prompted.
- Set your monitor back to 40-columns, then press any key to switch back to
- 80-column mode. DOODLE! conversions are a full 200 lines tall, all of which
- are viewable if you have a 128D and the 64K or Video RAM. If you have a 128
- with the original 16K Video RAM, you can only view the top 176 lines of the
- picture.
- While viewing the DOODLE! conversion, the following keypresses are
- supported:
- F5 - save or discard the conversion
- F7 - view the original 40-column picture. You'll need to switch your
- monitor. Press any key and reswitch monitor to get back to 80-column mode.
- Since ComputerEyes pictures are in monochrome and have different
- features, there are some special options when viewing them.
- f - full screen viewing
- 1 - 1/4 screen viewing
- h - call up help screen
- F5 - save or discard the conversion
- F7 - view original on 40-column screen. Same as for DOODLE! viewing.
- AN IMPORTANT NOTE! The ComputerEyes pictures must be in un-compacted
- format!
- Here are a few technical notes from Rick Ferreira on various quirks you
- may find in the conversions.
- #1 - DOODLE! color changes. The 80-column screen has different colors
- than the 40-column screen. This is due to a difference in hardware. You
- may find that changing a color in the DOODLE! picture makes for a better
- converted picture.
- #2 - ComputerEyes brushes. When pasting a 1/4 screen ComputerEyes brush
- onto an 8x8 pixel cell, several lines of garbage will appear at the brush
- bottom. This is unavoidable since PAINT 128 must fill the balance of the
- last 8x8 pixel cell with data of some kind. These brushes are 100 lines
- high, which is not evenly divisible by 8.
- #3 - ComputerEyes colors. When loading a ComputerEyes conversion into a
- monochrome screen, the foreground and background colors may be quickly
- changed by using F5 and F7 in PAINT 128. When loading into a color screen,
- the currentabackground and foreground colors will datermine the appearance.
- Resetting the colors and clearing the screen is the only way to alter the
- colors.
- There are some sample images on the disk for you to try PAINT COMPANION
- out on. Look for:
- 3.basketball 3.world globe 2.turtle (Print Shop images) and
- 3.gridiron.gra basketball.gra (PrintMaster images)
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- LOADSTAR would like to thank the authors of these two modules for
- sending them to us as companions to Peter Marions' PAINT 128. Both of them
- could have been published as programs in their own right, but I, as an
- editor who's always looking for a gimmick, thought that they would
- complement each other.
- DC Convert is actually a module of a larger work, ANTE UP: THE BASIC 8
- TRANSLATOR, published by Starfollower Productions, 4224 Bakman, Suite B,
- North Hollywood, CA 91602. ANTE UP is a full-featured 40- to 80-column
- translator which converts Koala, GEOS and DOODLE! pictures into four
- 80-column cell sizes. It also handles Print Shop and ComputerEyes. Unlike
- PAINT COMPANION, which supports the 16K Video RAM of the C-128, ANTE UP
- requires 64K Video RAM. It offers three styles of GEOS conversions, and
- allows the user to change colors and cell sizes of the 80-column pictures.
- You may order ANTE UP from Starfollower for $19.95 plus $ .85 shipping. Add
- sales tax in California.
- FT
- **** End of Text ****